

  周峰,1976年生,1997年山东师范大学化学系获得学士学位,2000年山东师范大学化学系获得硕士学位,2004年中国科学院兰州化学物理研究所获得博士学位,师从刘维民院士。2005年4月—2008年3月英国剑桥大学化学系做研究助理;2008年3月—2013年04月任中国科学院兰州化学物理研究所人才计划研究员。2013年以后中国科学院兰州化学物理研究所研究员。2011年起任中国科学院兰州化学物理研究所固体润滑国家重点实验室副主任,2018年10月起任中国科学院兰州化学物理研究所固体润滑国家重点实验室主任,2018年5月起任中国科学院兰州化学物理研究所副所长,2022年9月起任中国科学院兰州化物所所长、党委副书记。中国青年科技工作者协会理事,中国化学会会员、理事,中国化学会青年工作者委员会副主任委员,中国机械工程学会摩擦学分会副主任委员、润滑材料与摩擦化学专业委员会主任委员。从事软物质界面与材料、海洋防污、减阻降噪和生物润滑的研究。研究工作在pnas、jacs、sci.adv.、nat.commun.、adv.mater.、chem.soc.rev.、acc.chem.res.等期刊共发表sci论文500多篇,共被引用30000余次,h因子95。发表英文章节5篇,合作编著《纳米润滑材料与技术》(周峰,王晓波,刘维民,科学出版社),编著《antifouling surfaces and materials:from land to marine environment》(springer)。获得授权专利121项,受邀国际国内主题报告20多次。《摩擦学学报》、《化学通报》、《润滑与密封》、《j.fiber bioeng. inform.》、《trib. inter.》杂志编委。

  2004年中国科学院院长优秀奖;2005年甘肃省科技进步一等奖(排名第六);2009年第七届甘肃省青年科技奖;2009年中国机械工程学会摩擦学分会摩擦学青年学者奖;2011年度中国化学会“青年化学奖”;2011年获国家杰出青年基金;2012年入选中组部相关国家人才项目“青年拔尖人才”;2012年度第十六届甘肃省“青年五四”奖章;2013年国际仿生工程学会“杰出青年奖”;2013年中国科学院人才计划结题优秀;2014年获得甘肃省自然科学一等奖(排名第一);2015年国家自然科学二等奖(排名第一); 2015年入选甘肃省领军人才;2016年获得第十四届“中国青年科技奖”;2016年首届“中国优秀青年科技人才奖”;2016年英国皇家工程学会杰出访问学者“distinguished visiting fellowship”;2017年入选科技部中青年科技创新领军人才和中组部第三批相关国家人才项目科技创新领军人才;2017年中国科学院第十二届杰出青年;2017年何梁何利科学与技术青年创新奖;2020年获全国创新争先奖。

key publications:

   马正峰, 刘强, 吴 杨, 李 斌, 于波*, 刘钦泽, 周峰*,亚表面引发原子转移自由基聚合制备牢固的嵌入式聚合物刷,中国科学, 已接收, 10.1360/n032018-00161.

   yanfei ma, shuanhong ma, yang wu, xiaowei pei, stanislav n. gorb, zuankai wang, weimin liu, feng zhou*, remote control over underwater dynamic attachment /detachment and locomotion, advanced materials, 2018, accepted manuscript.

   shuanhong ma, mingming rong, peng lin, min bao, jing xie, xiaolong wang, wilhelm t. s. huck, feng zhou*, weimin liu, fabrication of 3d tubular hydrogel materials through on-site surface free radical polymerization, chemistry of materials, 2018, accepted manuscript, doi: 10.1021/acs.chemmater. 8b02532

   shuanhong ma, changyou yan, meirong cai, xiaolong wang, feng zhou*, weimin liu, continuous surface polymerization via fe(ii)‐mediated redox reaction for thick hydrogel coatings on versatile substrates, advanced materials, 2018, video absth

   周峰*,吴杨, “润滑”之新解,摩擦学学报,2016, 36(1):132-136.

   shuanhong ma, haeshin lee, yongmin liang, feng zhou*, astringent mouthfeel as a consequence of lubrication failure, angew. chem. int. ed., 2016. 55(19), 5793–5797; highlighted by chemistry world, rsc.

   tao du, bin li, xiaolong wang, bo yu, xiaowei pei, wilhelm t. s. huck, feng zhou*, bio-inspired renewable surface-initiated polymerization from permanently embedded initiators, angew. chem. int. ed., 2016, 55: 1–5.

   shuanhong ma, m. scaraggi, daoai wang, xiaolong wang, yongmin liang, weimin liu, d. dini* and feng zhou*,nano-porous substrate-infiltrated hydrogels: a bio-inspired regenerable surface for high load bearing and tunable friction, advanced functional materials, 2015, 47, 7366–7374.

   peng lin, shuanhong ma, xiaolong wang*, feng zhou*, molecularly engineered dual-crosslinked hydrogel with ultra-high mechanical strength, toughness and good self-recovery, advanced materials. 2015,27(12),2054–2059

   xiangyu yin, yue zhang, daoai wang, zhilu liu, yupeng liu, xiaowei pei, bo,yu*, and feng zhou*, integration of self-lubrication and near-infrared photothermogenesis for excellent anti-icing/de-icing performance, advanced functional materials, 2015, doi: 10.1002/ adfm.201501101.

   bin li, bo yu, qian ye, feng zhou*, grafting polymer brushes: more substrate adaptable, more controllable and easiertapping the potential of polymer brushes through synthesis accounts of chemical research, 2015, 48 (2) : 229–237.

   yang wu, qiangbing wei, meirong cai, feng zhou*, interfacial friction control, advanced materials & interfaces, 2015, 2(2). doi: 10.1002/admi.201400392. cover.

   qiangbing wei, meirong cai, feng zhou*, and weimin liu* dramatically tuning friction using responsive polyelectrolyte brushes, macromolecules, 2013, 46, 9368–9379.

   yang wu, yahui xue, xiaowei pei, meirong cai, huiling duan*, wilhelm t. s. huck*, feng zhou*, and qunji xue, adhesion-regulated switchable fluid slippage on super-hydrophobic surfaces, j. phys. chem. c, 2014, 118, 2564–2569.

   junfeng yan, bin li, bo yu, wilhelm t s huck*, weimin liu*, feng zhou*, controlled polymer brush growth from ultrasmall volumes using sacrificial anode atom transfer radical polymerization, angew. chem. int. ed., 2013, 52, 9125–9129. vip paper, back cover

   ruisheng guo, you yu, zhuang xie, xuqing liu, xuechang zhou, yufan gao, zhilu liu, feng zhou, yong yang, zijian zheng,* matrix-assisted catalytic printing for the fabrication of multiscale, flexible, foldable, and stretchable metal conductors, adv. mater. 2013, doi: 10.1002/adma.201301184.

   bin li, bo yu, wilhelm t. s. huck, weimin liu, feng zhou*, electrochemically mediated atom transfer radical polymerization on nonconducting substrates: controlled brush growth through catalyst diffusion, j. am. chem. soc., 2013, 135, 1708–1710.

   bin li, bo yu, wilhelm ts huck, feng zhou*, weimin liu, electrochemically induced surface-initiated atomic transfer radical polymerization, angew. chem. int ed, 2012, 51, 5092–5095. hot paper

   xinjie liu, yongmin liang, feng zhou* and weimin liu extreme wettability and tunable adhesion: biomimicking beyond nature? soft matter, 2012, 8, 2070-2086. top ten most-read soft matter articles in december 2011, january 2012 and march 2012; ranked number 1 of the most down-loaded articles of soft matter in 2012

   xiaolong wang, xinjie liu, feng zhou*, weimin liu, self-healing superamphiphobicity, chem. comm., 2011, 47, 2324-2326. highlighted by nature asia-pacific

   junfeng yan, feng zhou*, tio2 nanotubes: structure optimization for solar cells, j. mater. chem. 2011, 21, 9406-9418. invited review, top ten most read in aug 2011

   qian ye, feng zhou*, weimin liu, bioinspired catecholic chemistry for surface modification, chem. soc. rev., 2011, 40, 4244-4258. invited review

   daoai wang, ying liu, chengwei wang, feng zhou*, weimin liu*, highly flexible coaxial nanohybrids made from porous tio2 nanotubes, acs nano, 2009, 3, 1249-1257.

   daoai wang, tianchang hu, litian hu*, bo yu, yanqiu xia, feng zhou*, weimin liu*, microstructured arrays of tio2 nanotubes for improved photo-electrocatalysis and mechanical stability, adv. funct. mater., 2009, 19, 1-9.

   daoai wang, bo yu, chengwei wang, feng zhou*, weimin liu*, a novel protocol towards perfect alignment of anodized tio2 nanotubes, adv. mater., 2009, 21, 1964-1967.

   feng zhou, yongmin liang, weimin liu*, ionic liquid lubricants: designed chemistry for engineering applications, chem. soc. rev., 2009, 38, 2590–2599. invited review

   feng zhou, p. maarten biesheuvel, eun-young choi, wenmiao shu, rosa poetes, ullrich steiner, wilhelm t s huck, polyelectrolyte brush amplified electroactuation of microcantilevers nano letters, 2008, 8, 725-730.

   maaike l. van poll, feng zhou, madeleine ramstedt, litian hu, and wilhelm t.s. huck a self-assembly approach to chemical micropatterning of poly(dimethylsiloxane) angew. chem. int ed, 2007, 46 (35), 6634-6637.

   omar azzaroni, britta trappmann, patrick van rijn, feng zhou, bokyung kong, wilhelm t s huck*, mechanically induced generation of counterions inside surface-grafted charged macromolecular films: towards enhanced mechanotransduction in artificial systems, angew. chem. int ed, 2006, 45, 7440-7443.

   zijian zheng, omar azzaroni, feng zhou and wilhelm t. s. huck topography printing to locally control wettability. j. am. chem. soc. 2006, 128(24), 7730-7731.

   feng zhou, wenmiao shu, wilhelm t s huck, mark e welland highly reversible and multi-stage manipulation of microcantilever motion driven by polyelectrolyte brush. j. am. chem. soc. 2006, 128, 5326-5327.

   feng zhou, wilhelm t s huck polymer brushes: more flexible interfacial solutions than self-assembled monolayers (sams) feature articles. physical chemistry & chemical physics 2006, 8, 3815–3823 feature article. hot paper

   feng zhou, zijian zheng, bo yu, weimin liu, wilhelm t. s. huck, multicomponent polymer brushes. j. am. chem. soc. 2006, 128, 16253-16258.

   zhiguang guo, feng zhou, jingcheng hao, weimin liu, superhydrophobic engineering materials. j. am. chem. soc. 2005, 127, 15670-15671. highlighted by nature

   feng zhou, lei jiang, weimin liu, qunji xue. chemically tethered binary polymer brush pattern. macromolecular rapid communication, 2004, 25(23), 1979-1983.

   feng zhou, miao chen, weimin liu, jianxi liu, zhilu liu, zonggang mu. fabrication of positively patterned conducting polymer via one step electro-deposition. advanced materials, 2003, 15 (16), 1367-1370.

   feng zhou, weimin liu, jingcheng hao, tao xu, miao chen, qunji xue. template-controlled fabrication of conducting polymer and complementary gold microstructures using patterned chemically tethered polymer brushes. advanced functional materials, 2003, 13, 938-942.
